Webinar Replay

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Jul 27, 2023 4:00 PM


Metrics Every Plant Breeder Should Track

Which process of your Plant Breeding workflow is it worthy to enhance? Check our experts' KPIs!

What you will learn

Which process of your plant breeding workflow is it worthy to enhance?

Don't miss our expert tips to measure the performances of your plant breeding software transformations :

• To detect process improvement opportunities

• To evaluate the potential gains, either tangible perks in ROI, resources, time or intangible progresses in decision-making, teamwork, and even data security

• For all the project stakeholders, to justify the benefits of the change to managers

And for each KPI, you will find actionable tips and tricks to improve it !

Tristan Duminil

Head of Agronomy

Experts in software and services for agronomy and plant R&D.

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