
Assess the conditions in which your biocontrol and biostimulant products perform best in the field


Covers all species: Vegetables, FIeld crops, Forages, Perrenials and Flowers.



Own your data

Gather data coming from CROs, agri-partners, distributors and technical institutes.

Know what works and why

Understand the conditions in which you product performs best.

Centralize and Analyze

Standardize trait and environmental notations, analyze them in multi-location and multi-year reports.

Bloomeo Biosolutions

Boost your innovation with Bloomeo Biosolutions


Design multi-factorial protocols

Design your experimental protocols using customizable templates specifically tailored for bio-stimulants, bio-control products, additives, seed coating solutions, and micro-organism trials.
These protocols offer high flexibility, allowing for a multi-factorial approach to combine crops, products, doses, and applications.
Employ appropriate experimental designs, such as split-plot or strip-plot, to optimize multi-factorial analysis and ensure robust results.

Contextualize your data

Isolated data has very little value, especially for biosolutions. We understand the importance of contextualizing data coming from your field trials.
By enhancing your dataset with additional layers of environmental data sourced from sensors, drones, weather stations, and public databases of weather and soil data, you will gain comprehensive insight into the conditions under which your bioproducts perform best.

Gather regulatory trial data

Whether conducted in-house or outsourced, certification trials can be effectively monitored through Bloomeo for better traceability.
Share protocol information with partners and Contract Research Organizations (CROs) either in Excel format or through API connections, ensuring seamless collaboration and data exchange.
Subsequently, retrieve raw data from GEP/GPL, even from another system like ARM, through interfaces. Synchronize this data with the Bloomeo platform, making it usable for further analysis.

Collect data from marketing trials

Product development teams, sales teams and partners can easily collect observations from the field with the Bloomeo mobile application (IOS and Android). Capture and edit pictures on the go.
Give to external partners who share results with your organization different handy solutions to facilitate data centralization : web portal access and/or interface for flat files importation.
Unstructured observations, like qualitative textual comments, can be valued.
Download trial synthesis in a comprehensive format incorporating text, pictures, graphics, and infographics.

Value contextualized data

Use statistics and graphics to evaluate the success conditions of your product, including normality assessment, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and comparison of means tests.
Enhance your sales pitch with concrete figures showcasing the characteristics and strengths of your product. Generate product sheets that highlight the benefits of your product compared to a reference product.
Automatically generate trial reports for visualization and synthesis of results. Use data visualization tools and dynamic graphics to explore into contextualized data, including head-to-head comparisons, to assess and highlight the favorable performance conditions of your products.




United around Bloomeo Biosolutions

Support the digital transformation of your department

Picto_normalize traits

Standardize notations for everyone

Unify the way your team assesses crops, environmental conditions, and diseases.


For global organizations

Multiple languages, high security standards, multi-national teams, precise user-right management.


Inter-operate with other tools and systems

Drones, Satellites, Sensors, LIMSs, CRMs, and third-party software through API connection

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Expand to other departments

One team can start with some features and add more over time, and you can onboard additional teams later.


Accelerate the onboarding of new coworkers

Knowledge management supports know-how transfer, and the user-fiendly interface helps teams quickly adopt Bloomeo.


They recommend Bloomeo Biosolutions


Thanks to Bloomeo, we've discovered the ideal partner for consolidating all our data. This includes data from trials conducted on our own sites, on farmers' sites, and managed by external agencies, spanning various locations worldwide. With this comprehensive dataset, we can conduct in-depth analyses on metadata.

Valentin Pitiot
Head of market development

Read more success stories

Bloomeo project-related questions

What makes Bloomeo Biosolutions unique?

Bloomeo Biosolutions stands out for its exclusive focus on biosolution research and testing.
Our software is meticulously designed with biocontrol and biostimulant specificities in mind. It facilitates detailed data contextualization, automatically recording weather conditions and defining farm agronomic management.
Using a multi-factorial approach, Bloomeo enhances the study of variables in your field, enabling statistical analysis based on raw data.
This platform is instrumental in modeling complex biological interactions and providing comprehensive insight to farmers, crucial for promoting the adoption of biosolutions and transforming the agriculture.

How does Bloomeo Biosolutions support biosolution companies?

Bloomeo Biosolutions empowers biosolution companies by centralizing all raw data in one place, including data from outsourced certification trials, and data from marketing trials. Users can collect information during trials or automatically integrate partner and IoT-collected data.  
With all data centralized, advanced meta-analysis and real-time statistical reporting become achievable.
Users can monitor subcontracted trials, ensuring better leverage of available data to optimize product performance.

How does Bloomeo Biosolutions support Contract Research Organizations (CRO)?

For experimentation service companies, Bloomeo Biosolutions streamlines operations by automating reports and facilitating real-time data sharing.
The platform offers additional environmental data layers, including weather and soil conditions, tailored protocols, and statistics specifically designed for biosolutions. This comprehensive support enables experimentation service companies to deliver clear insight to their customers efficiently.

Is Bloomeo Biosolutions compatible with ARM software?

Yes, Bloomeo Biosolutions integrates with ARM software.
Clients receiving ARM flat files can easily upload them into the Bloomeo system.
If you require direct compatibility with ARM software, our team Doriane will analyze the requirements and provide solutions.
By harnessing all available data, users can unlock the full potential of their biosolution products.

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Ask our team about your project

Clément B.

Business & Agronomy Engineer

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